Thursday, August 21, 2008

Beware the Missing Lion...

Here is Lagatoa's poem...

Beware the Missing Lion...

Here is Viliami's poem...

Beware the Missing Lion...

This is Soana's poem...

Beware the Missing Lion...

Here is Sione's Poem...

Beware the Missing Lion...

Here is Poi's poem...

Beware the Missing Lion...

Here is Lloyd's peom...

Beware the Missing Lion...

As a class we have been studying poetry, Parts of Speech and Figures of Speech.

As part of the study we looked at a poem called, "Beware of the Missing Lion Poem" by Terine Ahmet.

We used a Creative Close to remove all the Lion words and then the class chose their own animal to write their own poems.

We practised reading poetry out loud, and then the class recorded their poems.

Here is the poem...
Beware of the missing lion poem

Write a poem
About a lion the teacher said.
So from memories of lions in my head.
I wrote about:
Tawny eyes and slashing claws
Lashing tail and sabre jaws.
I didn’t like what I had written
And so began to cross it out.

But suddenly with a roar of rage
It sprang from the cage of lines
On the page
And rushed away into the blue,
Just like a wounded cat
Half crossed through!

That one got away
And I haven’t seen it to this day
But I carefully look,
In case it is crouching, growling
Licking its wounds and waiting
Under the tall, green grass
Inside some other book.

Terine Ahmet